How do I edit the additional fields I created for ‘Edit Profile’?

  1. Go to ‘Tools’ -> ‘Surveys’
  2. Click on the yellow ‘Edit’ button next to the survey you created containing the additional fields
  3. Amend the question and/or answers
  4. Change a question type using the dropdown menu provided: ‘Single Choice’ means users can pick one available option; ‘Multiple Choice’ means users can pick one or more available options; ‘Text’ means users can type their answer
  5. Check the box next to ‘Mandatory’ to make a question mandatory
  6. Click ‘Add Answer’ to add an additional answer, typing it into the field provided
  7. Click the red ‘x’ next to an answer to remove it
  8. Click and drag the blue button next to an answer to change its place in the order
  9. Click ‘Update’



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