How do I send out documents from Flashboard?

  1. Go to ‘Tools’ -> ‘Push Documents’
  2. Click the ‘Prepare Documents’ tab
  3. Select the folder you want to contain this group of documents by clicking the circle next to it
  4. To attach PDFs:
    1. Click on ‘Documents’
    2. Drop any PDFs you wish to attach (either individually or within a folder) into the ‘Select or Drop .. File or Folder’ box
    3. Click ‘Toggle Quick Edit’ to make any amendments to the Title or Description, then click ‘Save’ [NOTE: you can remove a document at any time by clicking ‘Delete’ while in this window]Screen_Shot_2019-01-03_at_15.17.01.png
  5. To attach videos:
    1. Click either ‘Youtube’ or ‘Vimeo’ (depending on which site the link is accessing)
    2. Copy/paste the link into the ‘Video ID’ field [NOTE: this will automatically shorten to the Video ID]
    3. Type the Title and (optionally) the Description into the fields provided
    4. Click ‘Add’Screen_Shot_2019-01-03_at_15.19.23.png
  6. Click the ‘Push Documents’ tab, and select the correct folder from the dropdown menu
  7. In the ‘To’ field, select the user(s) you want the message to go out to:
    1. Select ‘All users from’ to send to all users registered to the app
    2. Select ‘Attendees’, ‘Exhibitors’, etc, to send to all users registered to that group [NOTE: you can select more than one of these]
    3. Select individual recipient(s) from the list below the message field by clicking the box next to their email address, then click ‘Select users below’
  8. Tick ‘Send Email’ if you wish the recipient(s) to receive an email informing them of the sent documents
  9. Click ‘Push’ [NOTE: your message will have been successfully sent when the blue bar has filled]

[NOTE: the recipient(s) will NOT receive a push notification informing them of this, so you may wish to send a message separately to inform them]


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